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Women's History Museum SS25

Photography - Alberto Valle Gutierrez
Photo Assistant - Alexis Madeline
Text - Vanessa Andrade

Indestructible Doll Head

The Women's History Museum’s SS25 collection, Indestructible Doll Head, shattered expectations and stood unwavering. In a cathedral, where each look broke bread and whispered prayers. Adorned in the relics of New York, from the pigeons to the architecture the models walked down the aisle, embodying the unbroken. For one night, all the moving pieces of the landscape converged within the walls of this church.

The collection carried the scars of destruction, pieced together like fragments in a mosaic, creating something both intricate and beautiful. In the same way the city, too, bears the marks of its past yet remains unspeakably iconic. Even as attempts are made to strip words from our mouths, to erase the symbols we hold dear, this collection defied those forces. In an act of quiet rebellion, it compels us to see the indestructible within the broken, urging us to embrace a new wave of living amid pre-existing conditions.

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